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Simon Wood先生の"lockdown reading list"


加法モデルのテキストで有名なイギリスの統計学Simon Wood先生が,自身のホームページ上で,"the lockdown reading list"なるものを紹介していたので紹介します.(ほとんどがBlackwellの本です)

  • Collapse (Jared Diamond) on how societies are destroyed, not by external forces, but by their failure to adapt their cultural norms to those forces.
  • Thinking Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman) on the pitfalls of our intuitive reasoning, especially about risk and uncertainty.
  • Mistakes were made, but not by me (Carol Tarvis and Elliot Aronson) on the psychology of sticking with bad decisions.
  • The Parable of the Old Man and the Young by Wilfred Owen, on consequences of the above.
  • Economics The User's Guide (Ha-Joon Chang) on what you really need to know about economics, and how it isn't just a scaled up version of household accounting.
  • The Great Crash 1929 (Galbraith) a delightful disection of economic hubris (and the need for stabilizing controls that we long since did away with).
  • The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (William Shirer) detailing exactly how things went wrong in Germany after the Great Depression.
  • Witch hunting in Scotland (Brian Levack) on the Scottish experience of the great European witchcraft panic (James I/VI wrote a treatise on Witchcraft).
  • Wood and Thomas paper on the problems of prediction with disease models in the absense of direct validation data (the least impressive item here).